Autumn Musing
The heart is a multi-faceted beautifully energetic space, as I've talked about in earlier blogs. This is a time to open to our feelings and emotions and make an effort to forgive old wounds (and wounders) and be grateful for those in our lives that come to us with their whole hearts. As we've also talked about, forgiving is not for others, nor is it about forgetting. Forgiving is for us. It's the leaves falling off our blame tree, making room for the blossoms of Spring. Gratitude is one of the healthiest emotions possible. The more gratitude we hold in our hearts, the healthier our hearts become. Keep a journal by your bed, and every morning when you wake write down one or several things you're grateful for and why. Before bed, review your day and do the same thing. Note when you have been able to forgive or accept someone in the day who is different, annoying, or even "in your face." Use your heart's empathy to know they are in a bad place if they are acting badly. Don't make an effort to spend more time with people who affect your energy in a negative way, but do forgive it so that you don't carry it around in YOUR body. I wish everyone a wonderful season of introspection ( sort of like mulching a tree) that will lead to a new year of positive blooming. You have the skills, the energy and the motivation to birth a new you. In love, Therese