Musings From Therese

You have the ability within to change ANYTHING--your thoughts, your emotions and your behaviors. What a freeing knowing! Through the use of HeartMath, Somatic Intuitive Training, Hypnotherapy, Time Dimension Therapy and Sacred Feminine Visioning and my books and CDs, I can help you find this skill. Gratitude and Love, found in the heart-brain, are our magic tools.

My Photo
Location: Indian Shores, Tampa Bay, Florida, United States

As an author, counselor,workshop director, HeartMath provider and co-founder of ISIS Institute, the most important work I do is to help individuals realize their greatest potential, no matter where they are in their lives. "The Promise" is the culmination of this work.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer Before Spring

In Florida, the heat has overwhelmed us--and the oil spill has devestated us. Again, I share with my friends that second of these things is the result of giving away our power. When we accept that "they" know what they're doing beacause if they didn't, someone would know, we have become children, deferring to our parents. Government and Industry--like BP--are too big to know what the left hand is doing while the right is paying us to be quiet. We must wake up and take back our right to look and say "who says?" "who knows?" "what side are they on?" The answer is usually, the side of profit. Profit is a great motivator and every company desires to have one--otherwise why be in business? But profit at the expense of our planet is in our face right now and Mother Earth is asking for us to use our brains and our hearts and come forward. Let's do this with love and faith in our fellow citizens, ignoring the strident self-serving monologues on talk radio, talk tv and Washington talk. We are better then this--we need to show it. Blessings to all on this journey.

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