Musings From Therese

You have the ability within to change ANYTHING--your thoughts, your emotions and your behaviors. What a freeing knowing! Through the use of HeartMath, Somatic Intuitive Training, Hypnotherapy, Time Dimension Therapy and Sacred Feminine Visioning and my books and CDs, I can help you find this skill. Gratitude and Love, found in the heart-brain, are our magic tools.

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Location: Indian Shores, Tampa Bay, Florida, United States

As an author, counselor,workshop director, HeartMath provider and co-founder of ISIS Institute, the most important work I do is to help individuals realize their greatest potential, no matter where they are in their lives. "The Promise" is the culmination of this work.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Joy and Grief Overlapping

Joy and Grief Overlapping
It has been a month, or two, of contrasting emotions. The birth of a new book is a joy. The loss of a year’s worth of work in the business is a small grieving. Both have arrived on my doorstep at the same time. Me and Green, created for my daughter Mary’s business entity “Breaking Ground Education Services” with a significant contribution by my daughter Catherine is now in our hands. It’s a beautiful book, full of empowering information, ideas and projects for kids, their teachers and their parents.
The home of ISIS Institute in South Tampa had to be let go due to air quality issues, and we are in the process of moving without knowing where we will be next. Our plan is to work from home until the beginning of the year and re-access. With the issues, we were unable to have clients in for several months, creating some real stress in the income area! It isn’t that we’ve lost an office, it’s that the building embodied our dream for the ISIS Institute. Because of what we teach, we are now grieving the death of that particular dream as we look for the lessons in the loss. One lesson is clear: the dream is embodied in us, not in a building. We are getting to “this or something better” but are not there yet. My sons helped us move, which is a great gift.
So, overall, it’s obvious that the gains outweigh the losses. Then why am I feeling so blue? One of the things I teach in my classes is that, in the positivity ratio, it takes three positive thoughts to negate one negative thought. This process brought home the real-time results of the negative/positive facts. As we struggled with loss of business and dealt with the peripheral issues of landlord and future, lots of negative thoughts arrived. Negative thoughts are always happy to take up residence, multiplying like cancer cells. Questions such as: “If we’re doing all the right things, why aren’t we being successful?” spawn a plethora of negative beliefs we may have stored since childhood or even earlier. We forget to ask the real questions: “If this isn’t working, why not? Are we attempting something that the ego wants but is not quite what our soul’s purpose wants? Is there something we are missing in this whole situation?” Once we start to ask the soul’s questions, they are no longer negative—they are seeking to reveal to us our true purpose.
Once we have worked through the grief, whether it’s loss of a loved one, a marriage, or a job, and we are asking the proper questions, we are in a positive mode of growth and creativity. Then? We punt to the Universe. Today, as I write this, that is where I am. I’m not a great punter, but I’m getting better. Speaking of punting, happy Fall to all of you, wherever you are. Here in Florida we await our beloved winter, a time for introspection and planning for the new year. I absolutely love that feeling of expectation. This, or something better. Love, Therese

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Me and Green is Here!

I've written a new book for Mary's company's Education Services, run by Catherine, titled "Me and Green". It's for children, their parents and teachers, educating and entertaining while empowering children to be caretakers of Mother Earth. The last section is written by Catherine, a life-long Educator. She creates tools and exercises for teachers and parents in using the book with children. A labor of love for both Breaking Ground and me, we welcome the birth of the newest book in a life of sharing possibilities. Available next week on, at and in bulk for schools and projects through To receive a book for review, contact me at

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