Musings From Therese

You have the ability within to change ANYTHING--your thoughts, your emotions and your behaviors. What a freeing knowing! Through the use of HeartMath, Somatic Intuitive Training, Hypnotherapy, Time Dimension Therapy and Sacred Feminine Visioning and my books and CDs, I can help you find this skill. Gratitude and Love, found in the heart-brain, are our magic tools.

My Photo
Location: Indian Shores, Tampa Bay, Florida, United States

As an author, counselor,workshop director, HeartMath provider and co-founder of ISIS Institute, the most important work I do is to help individuals realize their greatest potential, no matter where they are in their lives. "The Promise" is the culmination of this work.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Let's Get Talking About the Ego!

My latest "Musing" is up on and in some of your mail boxes. I would love to hear from you with your comments, arguments, discussions and suggestions about the latest article and my newest book, "The Promise: Revealing the Purpose of Your Soul." Welcome aboard. Let's get talking! Blessings, Therese


Blogger Unknown said...

My wonderful friend! How exciting, I just received my first Musings. I simply loved your article on the ego. Your explanation of its protective qualities gave me deeper insight into myself and others. Your "us" and "them" description explains it beautifully not only in this article but also in your book, "The Promise."

The Promise has made such an impact in my life and in fact, I was just telling someone about it this morning.

I have my last Women of Courage show for a while on Wednesday. A door is closing in my life and another is opening, and it is taking some effort and a bit of rough seas to go through that door. Your meditation CD has helped me through so much and I am actually reading your book again, for understanding and strength, and peace.

Anyway my friend, I look forward to more of these wonderful Musings. You have brightened my day. Again.

April 7, 2008 at 9:21 PM  
Blogger Therese said...

I wish you success and joy in your new opening and I'm grateful to have been a source for you. You have done wonderful work, and I know you will continue. Keep in touch, here if possible, and share your wisdom. Therese

April 8, 2008 at 9:44 AM  

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